What is a Macronutrient Diet?
Counting Calories Vs. Counting Macros

If you eat less calories then you burn, you will likely lose weight. But counting calories can only tell you so much; if you’re not careful and don't eat the RIGHT calories you more then likely lose muscle as a result! To maintain, lose or even gain weight experts have found that by counting macros your body will get the exact amount of nutrition it needs on a daily basis.

What is the Macro Diet? A macro diet goes a step further than typical calorie counting. For it, you count the macro nutrients—grams of proteins, carbs and fats—you’re eating within your calorie goal, and in what ratios. Counting macros can help you make smart food choices. For example, instead of a 200-calorie snack of Oreo's, you’d need to choose a protein- and healthy-carbs packed snack to meet your macros—one that wouldn’t just help you restrict your calories but will help give your body the fuel it needs.

Macro nutrient #1: Carbohydrates Fill your plate with healthy carbs, including leafy greens, whole grains and root veggies. A few good picks: broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, squash, dark leafy greens, green beans, onions, cucumbers, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, potatoes and quinoa.

Macro nutrient #2: Protein You need plenty of protein but don’t go crazy ordering greasy burgers and wings. Instead, choose: fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, herring), cod, lean grass-fed beef, turkey, eggs and nuts.

Macro nutrient #3: Fat Getting plenty of healthy fats is important for healthy hormone levels, metabolism, mood vitamin absorption. Foods high in essential fatty acids include: coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, almonds, Brazil nuts and macadamia nuts. The tricky thing about macro nutrients is that the amount of each you should be eating can vary drastically from person to person. Your perfect amount is called your “macro nutrient ratio.” As we mentioned, ideal macro ratios depend on your height and weight, your activity level, your age, and your goal.

If you would like a customized macro nutrient diet plan please let our staff know and we would be happy to calculate one for you FREE of charge!!!